Cocaine Addiction & Abuse

Cocaine is a stimulant drug made from the leaves of the coca plant. It affects the way dopamine is processed in the brain. Although it is used for valid medical purposes like local anesthesia, recreational use is illegal and can often lead to cocaine addiction.

What Is Cocaine Addiction?

Cocaine addiction can lead to extreme physical and psychological consequences that can permanently affect users and those around them. This drives a person to continue using cocaine. Unfortunately, the obsession with using this harmful drug will often lead individuals suffering from cocaine addiction to use so much cocaine, so often that they experience severe, dangerous reactions that harm their body and mind emotionally, physically, and mentally.

Cocaine addiction can also harm relationships and cause trauma, financial problems, and a host of other complications. However, although cocaine is highly addictive, there is hope and help available. Many rehab treatment centers provide intervention solutions for those suffering from cocaine addiction, from inpatient care to outpatient support groups.

There’s help and hope for Cocaine Addiction
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What Are The Factors Leading To Cocaine Abuse?

The risk of a person becoming addicted to cocaine is considerably high. Cocaine addiction is a risk for nearly anyone who abuses the drug. There is a significant risk of an individual becoming addicted to cocaine after just one use, which increases with each subsequent use of the drug.

Addiction to this potent stimulant develops quickly, partly because the effects of cocaine only last for a short time. To maintain the euphoric feeling, a person abusing cocaine will desire to take cocaine frequently and repeatedly in a short time. Chronic cocaine abuse creates a physical tolerance to the drug, which pushes the person addicted to cocaine to handle increasingly higher doses to obtain the same high, which quickly leads to physical and psychological addiction.

How To Get Cocaine Addiction Help

Cocaine addiction is highly prevalent, but those who end their addiction can find hope and help with addiction intervention at a rehab treatment center. Unfortunately, the side effects of cocaine addiction are dangerous to those using them and everyone around them.

When withdrawal symptoms are experienced, the individual using cocaine will go back to consuming even more cocaine to manage their symptoms. Therefore, it’s vital to reach out for help or for a loved one to intervene with an addiction treatment opportunity to identify the best and most effective cocaine addiction treatment method available.

Cocaine addiction treatment can include: 

A clinically supervised medical detox treatment process held at Flyland Recovery Network provides safety and comfort with professional monitoring and addiction help 24 7. After medical detox, our experienced team will discuss the best options for an intensive addiction treatment plan to help addiction end and a better life be discovered.

As part of our drug addiction treatment program, Flyland Recovery Network often recommends group therapies and support groups to assist throughout recovery.

A long-term or after-care plan is part of the treatment process to provide the best opportunity for successfully ending addiction and preventing relapse. In addition, this provides patients with the ongoing support they desperately need to help them establish and maintain long-lasting sobriety.

For Cocaine Addiction Intervention HOPE
Call Our Addiction Hotline 24/7

How Can I Prevent Relapse From Addiction And Maintain Sober Living?

The most popular and talked-about addiction relapse prevention methods include:


How Can Flyland Detox Help With Cocaine Addiction And Cocaine Abuse?

With decades of experience, Flyland Recovery Network knows that cocaine intervention and addiction rehab is most effective when we act with a clear objective, responsiveness, professionalism, knowledge, and grip our set of sound philosophical principles without wavering.

Flyland Recovery Network uses evidence-based cocaine addiction treatment and cocaine intervention plans proven effective in overcoming cocaine addiction. Every patient has a better opportunity for success in a controlled, clean, and very structured atmosphere for a cocaine addiction intervention plan to work. You can anticipate private and group therapy sessions, counseling, education about adding more coping tools, and learn how to prevent relapse as part of your cocaine addiction treatment plan. Flyland Recovery Network also offers motivational, science-based integrative services and amenities such as chiropractic, massage therapy, meditation, and nutrition education.


What Insurance Do I Need To Get Addiction Help At Flyland Detox Center For Cocaine Addiction Treatment?

Insurance companies now cover behavioral and mental health conditions like they would cover other treatments for heart disease. Therefore, having insurance for cocaine intervention and cocaine addiction rehab is advantageous if you suffer from cocaine addiction, as attending a needed cocaine addiction rehab center in Florida is expensive. In addition, government insurance programs have requirements and guidelines to check into to assure they will cover your cocaine abuse treatment and which cocaine intervention rehab centers you can attend.

To confirm your health and insurance benefits and what they will and will not cover, you must contact them to determine the type of cocaine addiction intervention and cocaine addiction detox centers they will partially or fully cover. If you already have insurance, we provide free insurance verifications for cocaine abuse treatment plans at Flyland Recovery Network. Contact our experts confidentially and let them look into your insurance benefits for cocaine intervention and cocaine abuse treatment.

Additionally, there are numerous nonprofit drug rehab solutions for those who are uninsured. Nonprofit drug treatment centers are funded by donations and grants to operate some of their programs, such as cocaine addiction treatment.

Clients planning on securing insurance for cocaine abuse treatment should contact the rehab facility first to find out what public insurance is accepted, then enroll in the insurance plan accordingly. At Flyland Recovery Network, we have insight into national cocaine addiction rehab programs and lists of insurance plans. So contact us today, and we can direct you to discover a plan that will help cover your cocaine intervention

Get confidential help 24/7.

If you or a loved one are suffering with drug abuse or alcohol addiction, reach out to Flyland Recovery Network for addiction help.

Get confidential help 24/7.

If you or a loved one are suffering with drug abuse or alcohol addiction, reach out to Flyland Recovery Network for addiction help.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are experiencing a cocaine addiction, seek help immediately. Get intervention help today and speak with our addiction specialists about our comprehensive and personalized cocaine addiction treatment programs.

There is no one-size-fits-all for addiction treatment. Our philosophy is to provide a treatment plan individualized for your scenario. Leap toward recovery by reaching out and then begin your journey by crawling, walking, and moving ahead with professional support.

Flyland Recovery Network is here to offer addiction support to you and your loved ones every step of the way. So please don’t procrastinate reaching out and getting into an addiction treatment program. Our cocaine addiction specialists are here to support you each step of the way toward a better life.

Illegal drug dealers frequently dilute cocaine with non-psychoactive substances such as cornstarch, talcum powder, flour, or baking soda to increase their profits.

People abuse two chemical forms of cocaine:

1) water-soluble hydrochloride salt

2) water-insoluble cocaine base (or freebase).

Cocaine users typically administer cocaine orally, intranasally, intravenously, or by inhalation.

A person abusing cocaine will snort the drug (intranasal use), inhale cocaine powder through the nostrils, and absorb cocaine into the bloodstream through the nasal tissues.

People addicted to cocaine may rub the cocaine onto their gums (oral use).

Dissolving cocaine in water, putting it in a syringe with a needle, and then injecting it releases the cocaine directly into the bloodstream and increases the intensity of its side effects.

When people abusing cocaine smoke it (inhalation), they inhale its vapor or smoke into the lungs, and absorption into the bloodstream is almost as quick as an injection.

This immediate euphoric effect is one of the reasons that cocaine (crack) became enormously popular in the 1980s.

Be intentional; you can do this!

Cocaine addiction can lead to extreme physical and psychological consequences that can permanently affect users and those around them.

As mentioned above, cocaine is used in different ways, and some of the methods have a more intense effect than others. One of the most common ways of using cocaine is to inhale (snort) the drug, which causes short-lasting results that gradually fade. To extend the high, users will snort more cocaine each hour or less to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

Side effects of cocaine abuse may include:

Abdominal pain

Blood pressure issues

Heart problems

Strokes or seizures

Breathing difficulties

Loss of appetite



A runny nose


Difficulty swallowing

Hoarse throat

You can have a better life

Cocaine is an intensively addictive stimulant drug. Thousands of years ago, people in South America chewed and ingested coca leaves (Erythroxylon coca) for the pick-me-up side-effect. Coca leaves are the source of cocaine.

The purified chemical called cocaine hydrochloride was isolated from the coca plant over 100 years ago. In the early 1900s, it was the main active ingredient in many remedies and elixirs developed to treat multiple illnesses and was even an ingredient in the early formulations of Coca-Cola®. Before developing synthetic local anesthetic, surgeons used cocaine to block pain. However, research has shown that cocaine is a heavily addictive substance that can change brain structure and function when used repeatedly.

A physician can administer cocaine for justifiable medical uses, such as local anesthesia in some eye, ear, and throat procedures. Unfortunately, today, many people become addicted to cocaine and need treatment from a rehab center.

Deep in the brain is a set of structures called the limbic system. The limbic system contains the brains’ reward circuit or pathway. The reward circuit links together several brain structures that control and regulate our ability to feel pleasure. Feeling pleasure motivates us to repeat behaviors. When the reward circuit is activated, each cell on the circuit relays electrical and chemical signals. When a reward is encountered, more significant amounts of dopamine are released. Dopamine increases in response to natural rewards helping the brain adapt to a complex world.

Drugs hijack this natural behavior contributing to unhealthy behaviors and consequences. In layman’s terms, cocaine enters the brain quickly and messes up the brain and this natural process. It remains there longer than usual and produces a feeling of euphoria. This creates a powerful association of pain and pleasure in our brain, causing the person abusing cocaine to desire to continue using cocaine repeatedly.

Here are some signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction:

Physical Changes

Cocaine abuse can cause many internal physical changes with continued use, and its effects depend on the method of consumption.

Inhaling cocaine can lead to nosebleeds, frequent runny noses, and difficulty swallowing.

Oral consumption can cause bowel decay.

Smoking cocaine can increase the risk of respiratory illnesses and breathing problems.

Injections can cause physical scarring.

Other physical signs include bloodshot eyes, pupil dilation, frequent sniffing, runny nose, and decreased appetite and need for sleep.

Withdrawal and Tolerance

Tolerance is a marked sign of cocaine addiction and is often coupled with withdrawal as the need for more cocaine increases to get the same effect. This creates an overwhelming craving and pain.

The terms drug addiction, drug dependence, and drug tolerance are often used interchangeably. However, each term has a different meaning on how cocaine affects a person’s body and brain. Realizing the difference is very important.

Cocaine Tolerance

Tolerance occurs when an individual is no longer impacted the way they were. So it takes a higher dose of cocaine to obtain the same impact as it did previously. This is why people use cocaine more and more to get the “high” they desire.

Cocaine Dependence

Dependence is when a person who stops using cocaine experiences withdrawal. For example, many people who take a prescription medicine every day over a long time can become dependent; when they go off the medicine, they must do it gradually to avoid the discomfort of withdrawal. However, people who are dependent on a drug or medicine are not necessarily addicted to it.

Cocaine Addiction

Unlike tolerance and dependence, addiction can result from taking cocaine repeatedly. If a person continues using cocaine and cannot stop despite the negative consequences they are experiencing; they have an addiction. Addiction is a disease.

Signs of Cocaine Abuse can include:

Weight loss

Wearing covers and layers of clothing despite the temperature and season to cover injections of cocaine.

Lost or missing money, always a need to borrow money, financial concerns.

Mood changes, quickly going from fatigue to alertness and energy, with hostility, aggression, and irritability surfacing if they are experiencing withdrawal.

Isolating from loved ones or friends; spending time with new friends who share or embrace their cocaine addiction.

Continuing to use cocaine even when it is causing financial problems, legal issues, and loss of relationships.

Addition symptoms of cocaine abuse and addiction include:




Uncontrolled violence

If you are experiencing Cocaine abuse symptoms, we are here to help you reclaim your life. Contact us for Cocaine addiction intervention 24/7

Everybody reacts to medical detox differently. The timeline will vary depending on several factors, such as the length of time cocaine has been abused and the frequency of abuse. It can take a week for detoxing for some people and up to three weeks for others. The medical detox process should begin 8 to 12 hours after you’ve taken your last use of cocaine.

The first withdrawal symptom you will most likely experience is fatigue. During the cocaine detox process, you may feel exhausted and extremely lethargic. You might also start sweating and become agitated too.

It is typical to experience nausea, sleep deprivation, difficulty focusing, some motor control issues, problems with breathing and blood pressure within the next few days. Tremors, hallucinations, and convulsions can happen. It is important to remember the better life that awaits and not give up. You should start feeling better soon. Flyland Recovery Network supports each patient through the withdrawal process and keep you as safe and comfortable as possible.

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