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Your not alone


Our Alumni community is there for patients who have completed our mental health or substance use program tracks. This community is there to support life long recovery.

About Our Alumni Programs

Alumni Program

Our Alumni program is meant for those who have been with our family going through one of our detox or residential care facilities. After successfully completing our detox and residential care treatment programs, you’ll be welcomed to join our Alumni. Our program holds meetings, events, outings and fun festivities where we come together to connect and continue to help one another.

Sober Living

Once entering the Flyland family, we have networks and connections throughout the country where we are always referring a former patient or an addict that is reaching out to us too. Sober living is a great way to have a community around you that is focused on staying sober and building a healthy life for himself. Being in a sober living is highly suggested for 9 months to a year in early sobriety to build a solid foundation for the future.

Al Anon

This is a mutual support group where people come together. This is done through conversing with one another from being affected by one’s drinking or substance abuse. Not only does the addict go through a battle fighting this disease but so doesn’t ones’ family and loved ones. With all the built up feelings, emotions and trauma from past experiences with your loved one who is an addict, this group helps alleviate that pain and helps give you the tools and care needed to bring the light back into your life.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is the most known program in the world for recovery addicts to achieve long-term sobriety. This community comes together in meetings held usually once a week to spread the message of sobriety, talk about the tools needed to overcome addiction and to build relationships with other people that are battling addiction themselves. 

Alumni Testimonials

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